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Robin Bishop
* Matching from Macquarie Foundation is subject to Board approval.
Batyr, Green Collect & Giant Steps
All donations are being split equally to the following organisations:
Batyr seeks to engage, educate and empower young people by making a positive change to the mental health of
young Australians through speaking out about social and mental health issues. Batyr’s mission is to foster an
environment where seeking help and talking about mental health is not only acceptable but is encouraged and
Batyr was founded by a young person, driven by young people and works to meet the needs of young people.
Founder and CEO Sebastian Robertson experienced the frustration and isolation of living silently with mental ill
health and recognised that it was time to open an honest dialogue about mental health with young people.
Sebastian started Batyr to give young people a voice, the courage and conviction to share stories of triumph over
mental illness in an attempt to ensure that all young Australians can look forward to better mental health.
Batyr engages secondary and tertiary students with young speakers who have had a lived social or mental health
experience. Through educating young people about the available support networks and systems students are
empowered to reach out when needed.
What Batyr is not…
• Batyr does not endorse, promote or advocate for specific mental health services.
• Batyr does not provide direct support for young people.
• Batyr does not publish stories online, but rather focuses on face-to-face communications. Should participants
want to publish stories online, Batyr will encourage them to do so through established service provides who
already provide this platform.
Green Collect
Green Collect is a social enterprise that creates new jobs and training for people experiencing significant disadvantage. Through the delivery of innovative environmental services we build workplaces that prioritise people who have faced homelessness and refugee experiences.
Green Collect’s new program with at-risk young people will provide real opportunities for youth at risk of dropping out of school and entering the juvenile justice system. Through engaging in relevant vocational training, young people will be supported to stay in school, stay connected with the community and discover their full potential.
Giant Steps
Giant Steps Sydney is a world leading educational facility for children with autism. The program is trans-disciplinary which includes speech, music and occupational therapy. It is a high-level intensive program for children and young adults. The team approach at Giant Steps Sydney provides maximum support to families through the provision of home programs and frequent consultation with parents and carers. All students engage in a full range of activities which are adjusted using a range of autism friendly strategies. As Giant Steps entered its fifteenth year of operation, it became clear that there was a need for autism specific service provision for young adults leaving school. As a result 2009 saw the opening of the GS Community College (GSCC) to address the need for an autism-specific post school options program. The GSCC is based on the principles of the adult community education programs which provide the mainstream adult community with a wide variety of courses for continued learning.
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